We have a gift for you!

Join us in our Welcome Corner immediately after any of our Sunday services, for prayer and connection and receive information about our upcoming events, and ways to get connected. You will also receive a free book from Summit Global Publishing.


Do you have kids? So do we! We believe in the power of legacy and realize that our children’s spiritual growth and nurture are extremely important.

We create an environment that is not just fun and age-appropriate for each child but also provides an atmosphere for children to learn about and know God. From Preschool to grade 6, we will teach your children to hear the Lord’s voice, enter into expressive and heartfelt worship, and plant the word of God in their hearts.

Check your kids in at our Kids Church check-in counter where you can meet some of our incredible Kids Leaders. We also have a Nursing Moms room that is available for your use at all our services.

​We have our friends ready and waiting to welcome you into our church family. From a smile to a handshake to answering your questions, they are here to serve you. You can come expecting to have people who desire to help you, serve you, and get to know you better.

Style isn’t everything, but we still want you to know who our worship leaders are listening to so you can get a feel of what you’ll hear! Some of our more well-known influencers are Bethel Music, IHOP artists, CFNI, UPPERROOM,  etc.  We also believe that each church has its own ‘sound’ so we often sing songs written by our own worship leaders. More important than style, you can be sure when you come expecting to encounter God that He will meet you.

Simply put, we preach Jesus and we preach His kingdom in a practical and life-giving way. You can expect a Bible-based message that will challenge and empower you to grow in your spiritual journey. You will walk away not just knowing what the Bible says, but you will hear the voice of the Lord, and be given clear direction from the Lord for growing stronger and more mature in your relationship with God.